In support of the LDEI vision, the Global Culinary Initiative was founded to embrace diversity. Food is the thread that connects all cultures and incorporates lifestyles and traditions. What better way to envelope diversity than to tap into the global cultures within our own communities.

Global Culinary Initiative Mission Statement: The mission of the Global Culinary Initiative is to embrace our global communities through culinary connections that will provide educational programming, training programs and cultural exchange. 

Objectives are to represent the LDEI mission:
Educate through raising awareness of our global culinary communities

~ Establish a talent pool of members who are able to present programs within their communities~ Connect with established programs (culinary organizations promoting global connections)

Advocate through increasing membership from diverse cultures

~ Provide opportunities for cultural exchange by organizing international programs that include our diverse chapter communities.
~ Cultivate professional relationships with owners of ethnic restaurants and markets.

 Philanthropy through supportive chapter projects that raise awareness, encourage and promote diversity

~ Partner with local charities that provide services for assisting immigrants and offer to provide culinary training programs that will be career focused;
  ~ Develop and implement programs and fund-raising projects to benefit ethnic groups within chapter communities.

Samples of Previous Events

Chinese Exclusion Act- Presentation by Artist Cheryll Leo-Gwin

Dame Judy Lew’s Recipes was reproduced by Seattle Culinary Academy student volunteers for a wonderful Chinese inspired meal.

An open meeting for women in our community.  May 20th, 2019 at Seattle Culinary Academy. Please see the Events Page to register. 

Project Feast – At Project Feast, food brings people to the table, transforms lives, and fosters mutual understandings across diverse cultures in the most delicious ways possible